TMG Organized the Austrian Regional Platform Kickoff Meeting

The kick-off meeting for the regional platform in Upper Austria/Linz was organized on the 7th February 2023, in the premises of Business Upper Austria. It was organized as part of the advisory board meeting of the upper austrian food cluster.

Eight external stakeholder were participating in the meeting. They represented food producing companies, universities, retailer and business support organizations. At first, the participants were introduced to the bioeconomy in general and the speaker of the advisory board emphasized the importance of sustainability in the Upper Austrian economy and in particular the enormously important role which circular economy and bioeconomy will play in the future in the enterprises.

The participants got insights into different projects running by the upper austrian food cluster. SCALE-UP in general and as a second step the regional platform was presented. Joining the regional platform will have following benefits:     

 Additionally, the tasks and benefits for joining the steering group were introduced to the participants and most of them expressed interest in joining it. 
At the end of the meeting, the dates for meetings 2023 were fixed:

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